What is ASDA?
We are the Predental Oklahoma chapter of the American Student Dental Association. ASDA is a national student-run organization that protects and advances the rights, interests, and welfare of students pursuing careers in dentistry. It introduces students to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry and provides services, information, education, representation and advocacy.
Oklahoma ASDA's mission is to inspire and further develop leadership by increasing involvement with local, state, and national leaders in the dental community. We actively engage our current members, alumni, faculty and staff by organizing educational lunch and learns, pre-dental simulation courses, and networking events.
Why join ASDA?
When you join ASDA, you are given a voice in both your education and profession and a chance to be part of a strong network of future dentists. You will also have the opportunity to develop the leadership skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, dental students attending the University of College of Dentistry pay a one-time due of $100. That's over a 70% reduction in dues!* This automatically enrolls you as an Oklahoma chapter and national ASDA member, as well as a student member of the ADA.
*National ASDA dues are normally $85/year.
“The benefits of my ASDA involvement is unmatched by any dental school experience thus far. I am able to hone valuable leadership skills for real-life practice, all the while advocating for the profession.”
Pre-Dental Benefits
Only 50% of applicants are accepted into dental school each year. Predental ASDA membership will provide you with the best opportunity to stand apart from your competition and improve your chances of getting into dental school.
As a member, you’ll receive The Guide to Getting Into Dental School. This handbook contains tuition information, undergraduate requirements, application requirements and statistics for all 66 U.S. dental schools. It also provides helpful information on the predental timeline, the DAT, interviewing, choosing a school and more.
In addition, you will also begin receiving ASDA’s monthly e-newsletter, The Polished Predental.
Oklahoma ASDA Pre-Dental Member Benefits
Automatic student membership to the ODA and ADA
Access to members-only events, like the Loupes Fair, Fall and Spring Vendor Fair, and various social hours throughout the year
Eligibility for scholarships to national ASDA conferences
Eligibility for ASDA Fever Award by earning points from event attendance
Eligibility for social media campaigns and contests
Member spotlights via social media
Access to award-winning publications and writing opportunities: Oklahoma ASDA Journal, Brush Up with Oklahoma ASDA - Newsletter, and the website blog
National ASDA Predental Member Benefits
“Be a part of something bigger than you, but better because of you.”
Before You Apply
There are several critical steps to take before applying. These include developing a strong academic record, taking required courses, shadowing a dentist, researching schools, knowing what being a dental student and dentist entails and preparing for your biggest test yet.
Now that you have applied, it’s time to prepare for the most crucial step, the interview. Getting an invite to interview does not guarantee your acceptance. You will need to not only be prepared for the standard questions, you will need to showcase why deserve to be chosen over many others. Upon gaining acceptance you will then make a critical and nearly irreversible decision, choosing a school.
Predental Chapter and Club Resources
Joining a predental chapter or club is great opportunity to learn, share and engage with a group of like-minded peers. It also demonstrates your commitment to your future profession, something admissions staff will appreciate. If your school does not have a predental club or official ASDA predental chapter, consider starting your own!
Applying to Dental School
The application cycle for the class entering in Fall 2018 will open June 1, 2017. It can take 2-8 weeks to process and deliver your application, so be sure to apply early. Your application will include your personal statement, which will play a critical factor in your being accepted into dental school You will also need to include your DAT scores and letters of evaluation.
Education and Events
ASDA programming covers every step of the predental timeline. There is a wealth of opportunities to learn from advisors, faculty, dental student and fellow predentals. These programs are either in-person and virtual, so you can choose your preferred learning method. Regardless of your style, each program offers a unique opportunity to learn, engage and network with your fellow members.
National Leadership Conference
Annual Session
Social Links
ASDA offers predentals several outlets to contribute original content and interact with your fellow members. Post or respond to topics in dentistry on our predental Facebook page. Read and write for ASDA’s blog, Mouthing Off. Share your photographs and use official hashtags as part of our predental events and initiatives.
“The benefits of my ASDA involvement is unmatched by any dental school experience thus far. I am able to hone valuable leadership skills for real-life practice, all the while advocating for the profession.”