Become a Member
When you join ASDA, you are given a voice in both your education and profession and a chance to be part of a strong network of future dentists. You will also have the opportunity to develop the leadership skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, dental students attending the University of College of Dentistry pay a one-time due of $190 for traditional dental students and $101 for ASPID students.** That's a 50% reduction in dues!* This automatically enrolls you as an Oklahoma chapter and national ASDA member, as well as a student member of the ADA.
*National ASDA dues for traditional students are $95/year and ASPIDs are 101/year.
Oklahoma Member Benefits
General Members
Automatic student membership to the ODA and ADA
Access to members-only social events, like Casino Royale and various sponsored social hours throughout the school year
Free entrance to the Loupes Fair, as well as the Fall and Spring Vendor Fair
Eligibility for scholarships to national ASDA conferences
Eligibility for ASDA Fever Award by earning points from event attendance
Eligibility for social media campaigns and contests
Member spotlights via social media
Access to award-winning publications and writing opportunities: Sooner Smiles - Journal, Brush Up - Newsletter, and the website blog
In addition to the above, Oklahoma ASDA leaders receive the following exclusive benefits:
A voice in the development, planning, and execution of programming to meet the objectives of the organization
Unique leadership, mentorship and networking opportunities
Build lifelong relationships with dental students and professionals from across the country
Develop relevant leadership skills
Priority selection for attendance to national ASDA conferences
Eligibility for scholarships and awards presented at the end-of-the-year banquets
National Member Benefits
“Be a part of something bigger than you, but better because of you.”
Financial Benefits and Savings
ADA Members Insurance Plans From Great West Financial - Disability*
ADA Members Insurance Plans From Great West Financial - Life*
LeverageRx - student loan refinancing, disability insurance and mortgages
Chapter Resources
Career and Educational Resources
“ASDA has given me opportunities and experiences that I would not have been able to have without being involved in this wonderful organization! I have been able to learn more about the profession, advocate for my future patients and colleagues, and become a leader within the predoctoral community.”